I don't need your pitty

December 14 2007

I won't complain to you if it is cold and I did not wear a coat.

I will not whine to you if I cut myself.

I won't cry to you if I trip because I was looking back.  

I will not wimper for help from you if I got myself caught.

I won't fuss to you because of the agonies I put myself in.  

So why do you do nothing but complain of your infermaries?

Why do you stab me to help yourself? 

I will come willingly but why do you gain pleasure from my blood?

Why do you set traps for me to walk into and hang myself.

Even then I will not cry out to you.

I will not beg for you to stop the tortue you put me in.

For I got there myself.

Erin:: lub my flower.

December 14 2007
This is really good,too good not to have a significant meaning , Austin!

Betty Jones

December 16 2007
Who are you trying to be anyway?