So just kinda chillin'

December 08 2007

So I have just kinda been hanging out. Friday I went to a see Peter Pan at the Renaissance center [Dickson TN]. It was not all I hoped for and more though. It was a great play don't get me wrong, but it did not meet my expectations. I thought it was a good play though. During the changing of the sets it could have been darker because I could still see them moving, I also heard some talk. I thought this to be very amateur, it also broke the kinda feel, if you will, of the play. There where a couple of sence that I thought Peter Pan should kiss Wendy. Yes I understand that it was not a romantic type play, but it just seemed right. Ok so Peter asked Wendy to be the mother of a bunch of kids that he takes care of, then safes her, and she basically begs for it. I quallify saving someones life enough for "dude kiss her"  I had to hold back from screaming that a few times. It seemed as though the main actors held themselves very well. Over all I enjoyed the play. I almost want to go buy another ticket and see it agian. For some reason I love, love, love, plays. So I just got home from work about an hour and a half ago. I love working, almost as much as I love seeing plays, lol. I work with Westerman Farm inc. Yes on Aaron's dad's farm. I just think it is great they are a corporation now. Gosh that is cool. I had to try to stop a 1600 pound bull today and I lost. He hit me with his head a few times and I jumped back. I was told that his neck and head strength could throw me 10ft in the air. So I was glad he was not really mad. He just wanted more feed. Well that is where my weekend is at.