
December 05 2007

Well I had this really long blog written out about how much I hate christianity and the preacher and what not. I accidently deleted it before I posted it. Right after Aaron (my cousin that I live with age 29) came into my room and sat down and I told him that I have started to hate preachers and most people who claim to love Christ. We talked for a little while and he said that you see the bad the most because it sticksout you don't see the little woman giving up her meal so some child in Africa can have it. You see when people mess up. Forever it has been like that but there are more people fighting for what is right then screwing up. As long as we have one person fighting for the right thing we will be all right.



Ok so we didn't say all that but that was adding some in. You get the point. I was going to judge most of christianity for a few people being stupid pricks. I still love what Ghandi said "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." I really believe it is true and I still stand by it. But for all of those who are standing beside me from so far away I salute you my brother.