Ha Ha Stealthy

October 31 2007
Ha Ha. I am not allowed completely to say what I did but I will laugh at it. Ha Ha *taunting mean laugh* Ha Ha. I did not do something bad just something worth laughing about. Ha Ha. I can't talk about it because it is like Top Secret Vietnam stuff. But I would enjoy it if you laughed with me. So please remark with your own laughter. (trust me you would laugh) Ha Ha. I will use the code "the cat lost his foot" to describe what happend. Ha Ha.

Tyler Lowery

October 31 2007
ha ha ha ha (i know) ha ha ha

Kaelynn Malugin

October 31 2007
bahahaahaha! I swear you're crazy

Erin:: lub my flower.

October 31 2007
hhhehehe i know tooo!:)

♥...blue eyes...♥

October 31 2007
you nerd....but really, that is pretty funny. (haha i know and some of you don't...tehe)

Jacob Wuertz

November 02 2007
cwahabbahhahahhahaaahawahhaaa. i am done