Is it that I just always screw up?

October 26 2007
Ok well this has been on myspace for a few days just tell me what you think.

Why is it that I am having trouble swallowing?

Why is it that I am having trouble breathing?

I know why I don't want to.

Why is it that I am having trouble thinking of You.&Me. as just that?

Why is it that I am having trouble thinking of not saying those three words to you everyday?

I know why I want to.

Why is it that I am having trouble understanding why it is this way?

Why is it that I am having trouble when only ten minutes separate our voices? 

I know I need help.

Why must I be so terrified of everything? 

Why must I screw things up?

I have no clue

Is there anyway I have the strength to pull You.&Me. Out of this? God knows I want to.  

Is it those three words that got us in that deep?
Or was it that one action of just that?

Is it your blue eyes that drug me in too deep and drowned me?

Is it the fact that I have no clue what to do?

Is it the fact that you were the warmth in my bones that pushed me?

Is it the fact that I screwed up everything else in my past that it was only natural for me to do it now?

Is it the fact that there is only one thing I dream of when I finally go to the hell I call sleep, and that one thing is what saves me from the monster I call myself?

Or maybe is it just the fact that those three words are I love you?

Kaelynn Malugin

October 27 2007
my oh my.

Erin:: lub my flower.

October 27 2007
this really bothers me... im not sure in a bad or good way ,though..... i mean it sorta makes me frown, & then it sorta makes me smile...... hey message me!