I have to pinch myself.

October 20 2007
Have you had one of those feelings that everything is going so right that it can't be really true. You just wait for it to end and then it does and you realize why it seemed so good. Or you were just fooled and believed it was good until you were crushed and devestated?  There is something going on that seems so good that tastes like a lolly pop flavored like a mirical. The taste it leaves in my mouth and that lingers on my lips is indescribable. I have been a fool too long to change my ways. I have already accepted that it must be true, even though countless times I was proven wrong. Must I fall into the same trap again? Or is this time for real. I find me pinching myself sometimes just to check. I don't wake up and I feel the pain. So it must be right?  Even if it was not real I don't think I would change a thing. Like I said I have been a fool too long to change my foolish ways. Maybe this time the fool will be proven to be a genius. Just for taking one risk. Is that what it takes to be considered a genius? Making so many mistakes and risks that finally one turns out the way you want it and everyone remembers you for it? Or is it just not giving a crap what anyone thinks and following your dreams. It seems that I have done both. So I must come out as something this time.

Erin:: lub my flower.

October 22 2007
wow! you are complicated, your good about writing how you feel though. you know you can tlk always to me, austin!