Not so much.

October 18 2007
Yeah so right now I am kinda pissed off and I don't really have a reason I have just been kinda on the edge lately. Just ready to jump at whatever I need to. There was a fightish thing in the lunch room. Someone said my best friend was talking about their mom so he shoved him onto the table and my friend came back and pushed and cocked back his fist then I jumped in and stopped it. I was worried that he would get in the fight and if he did I would jump in and then a lot of our friends would and I don't want a bunch of people getting kicked off the football team so I just  stopped the fight. But then at football Our coach took Jordan Wood to the side and asked him about the fight. Coach was like what happend. Jordan said the guy pushed me. Then coach was like "Well did you push him back" Jordan said "yeah I pushed him back" then coach said good cause I don't want no pu**y as* line backers on my team." But I really don't post things like this saying how I feel I really don't like talking about how I feel. Not like I don't cry or nothing because there are times that I do, I just don't like talking about my feelings but this is whats going on. I just thought the coach was funny

Kaelynn Malugin

October 18 2007
man that sucks

Erin:: lub my flower.

October 18 2007
theres not to much i can say, but im glad you stopped a fight! i wish i could actually see you right now