How? or maybe Why?

October 03 2007
What would be considered grounds for breaking up with someone? If you are in a steady relationship for say a year, how do you just break up with someone after that? You can't say oh I just don't love them anymore. If that is true then did you ever love them? I don't think that you can just say I just don't like them anymore. It doesn't make sense, especially after a year. I would think that after 3 months at most you would find that out. Now notice this has nothing to do with anyone or anything. I was just thinking about people who dated a little over 2 years and broke up. Yes I know I said it wasn't about anyone, well because it is not, it is inspired by them. I just don't quite understand why that would happen, knowing that neither cheated. Why if two people loved each other would they let an argument do that to them? If it was an argument. So what do you guys think?

♥ eyes...♥

October 03 2007
well sometimes people think that something small (like an argument) is really a big deal but it's not. sometimes they don't see or recognize that there are much bigger problems that they could be facing than a simple argument and they wimp out and just quit. or sometimes people think they are in love, when really they aren't and a little argument proves that it really wasn't love. that's my thought.

Tyler Lowery

October 03 2007
kinda scared me a little at first but. . . the person might have loved the other. Im not sure and i dont think anyone could be. But they have to be Stupid if they just all of a sudden give up. Because if they said they loved the other person. they better mean it. . . . . good thought Austin

Kaelynn Malugin

October 03 2007
I think that if they, or juust one person isn't having affection for that certin person then yes you can just say "I don't Love you anymore." And leave it at that, but it's only my opinion.

At the Crossroads of Life

October 03 2007
Breaking up with someone after going out for a long time is a really complicated thing sometimes. After a while, some people realize that the relationship they have with someone isn't really what they thought it was... I personally think it's strange that some people decide to wait so long before they actually do something about it... Also, it's really silly to let just a little argument tear everything to shreds, especially if the relationship was long term, but I guess it just shows that some things aren't as strong as they seem.... *You really did have a good thought, by the way*