June 07 2007
Just for the record, no it was not worth it. 

♥ eyes...♥

June 07 2007
you're wasn't. :(

Jacob Wuertz

June 07 2007

Kaelynn Malugin

June 07 2007

♥ eyes...♥

June 08 2007
ask him

♥ eyes...♥

June 08 2007
well, actually, read his last blog thing that is brilliantly titled "is it worth it?"

♥ eyes...♥

June 08 2007
i mean "is it really worth it"

Michael Burton

June 11 2007
you two kids, i swear to god... a free trip to six flags where you miss class to go around with your friends at a theme park. i swear if you can't appreciate that because the theme park "isn't good enough" then youve got to be spoiled rotten. honestly, when i was in high school (hell, even now), i would've KILLED for a chance to stop my daily routine to go ANYWHERE, especially a theme park. how you people manage to be incabable of appreciating this kind of thing is beyond just don't understand how freaking good you have it.

♥ eyes...♥

June 11 2007
look you don't know what happened

I'm anti-human

June 15 2007
i agree with the angry guy. i thought i was flippn awsome

♥ eyes...♥

June 17 2007
okay whatever...i have nothing else to say plus this isn't my argument to argue