Change...Good...Bad...and None

January 25 2006
I have been giving it some serious thought lately and I would like some honest opinions.

What could I change about me that would make me a better person?

What is there about me that you would deffinitly not want changed about me?


January 25 2006
dum spiro, spero volo tu sperare


January 25 2006
dont change your attitde it is kool!


January 25 2006
o yea and your hair rocks !

Rebecca Jensen

January 25 2006
What I would not change.... I would not change that you are extremely thoughtful, you do things for others and you care about how they are really doing. I also wouldn't change the fact that you are my brother, because that's awesome!! What I would change... hmmmmm...not much.... well don't take this wrong, but sometimes when you are upset about something, you tend to be upset toward others who aren't even part of the situation... I know you don't mean to and I know I do it too.. anyway... it's cool that you want to know.


January 25 2006
i personally just think you should stay the exact way you are. you are perfect. You're nice, thoughtful, funny, good looking, smart, but you do drive a ugly car, but i'll look past that for now. yea.. you shouldn't change =)