Adventures, adventures....ha, ha, ha.

November 10 2005
Today I made the fire come out of the monkey's head.
I went out to eat with the faust and stretch today....and I seemed to watse all of the $4 in my wallet on the gas station trip and the McDonalds adventure.
Well there is the excitement of my day.
Now.....I am going to take a piss and leave school and go home.

for sale...

November 09 2005

Is anyone in there.
I've become not-so loud and clear.
Fallen from grace,
resorted to a apitite of cigarettes and beer.
Hidden in the shadows.
in the back of the pack.
scraping the bottom of the mug
the coffee's dried up and my mug is cracked.
So here I am...
Empty and free....
Good to a home that would be good to me.


November 08 2005
its my phusebox punks.
yeah thats right.
well hope yall enjoy.