tight song and some thoughts i have.

May 21 2008
My Beautiful Rescue - This Providence

i need to type. i need to let it out. i need to say what i need to say here so i dont let it out in a place i shouldn't or a time i should be silent.

People change, i get this, i'm not stupid. But why is it that i see they are changing and hate it yet they cant see it and could care less. I myself am changing, i'm growing and pushing through, and in a way that kinda scars me. I'm scared i'm gona be the kid that someone sees changing and hates it and they think i could care less. I dont think i'm changing for the worse. Let me list the ways i have changed and you tell me if its bad or not.

1~ i've come to realize, MOST (not all but most) guys are scum. And the ones that aren't....dont seem to want to just be friends.

2~ I've come to find that dating is not for me at this moment in time. I want to be a kid as long as i can and dating is one more thing that makes me grow up. I'll worry about that when it matters and is really and truly dating b.c these days kids think going to the movies and eating fast food is a date..haha sorry to crush you kids but thats not even close haha

3~ I find that i'm a Jesus Lovers....i dont like being called a Christian just b/c of the bad name it has gotten. And i have seen many people that CALL them selves 'Christians' and act....in a way i know Jesus wouldn't smile about. SO i call myself a Jesus Lover :) And its fun :P

yeah the list kinda stops there..lol i guess i haven't changed or grown much but it is pretty amaZing to me that i figured all this out clear as day in a matter of 2 weeks i think it was :) So yeah it makes me happy...and i've been so happy lately...except when i see some people but yeah its been pretty good :)
Love you guys :)



May 22 2008
I'm really glad you're happy, and I think all of those things are good things because you've learned.