October 16 2007

i got nothing to here goes nothing.


1. Honestly, how many people have you had strong feelings for?
i would have to say 2

2.Honestly, what color is your underwear?
haha i'm pretty sure you dont need to know that

3. Honestly, what's on your mind?
School, School, and some more School

4. Honestly, what are you doing right now?
taking this

5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?

thats what i'm told. But i'm not vain about it

6. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
How could i? I have been doing school since i got out of bed

7. Honestly, do you watch THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR ?

8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?

9. Honestly, who makes you happy most of the time?
Well its a close race for that one.... its between Tyler and my horses. Ha

11. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
Doesn't every one

12. Honestly, do you have deep secrets?
nope...i dont like secrets

13. Honestly, when is the last time you have been to tesco?

14. Honestly, are you mean?
when its needed. but i mostly just mess around

15. Honestly, who did you copy and paste this from?
Carmen Pooch E.A

16. Honestly, where would you rather be right now?
I would have to say, riding my horses or at the beach

17. Honestly, do you like someone?
i would have to say .. "yes" ..

18. Honestly, what was the last text you got and what did it say?
it was from my mom and it said "Call me when your done riding"

21. Honestly, have you gone out of your way to make a new friend?

22. Honestly, do you shower?
YES! thats just nasty if you dont.

23. Honestly, are you desperate?
no, why should i be...

25. Honestly, ever made anyone cry?
sadly to say..yes

26. Have you ever cried over someone?

27. Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out?
...probably March 28th

28. Honestly, have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

29. Honestly, have you kissed someone of the opposite sex this week?
ha no

30. Honestly, when was the last time you hugged or kissed someone in front of your parents?
lol never

32. Honestly, are you normally a happy person?
yeah..well i try to be

33. Honestly, what makes you mad?
..people that talk bad about you behind your back

34. Honestly, does being with your friends make you happy?

35. Honestly, do you believe in yourself?
Yep Yep

36. Honestly, are you annoying to people?
probably so...but no one has told me *yet*

37. Honestly, is cheating acceptable?

38. Honestly, have you hugged a girl this week?

39. Wish you could have something or someone?
no not really. I've got everything i need, at the moment that is

40. Honestly, are you a relationship person?
..uhmmm .. i'm not sure what the question is but hey i'm gona say sure b/c i feel like  SURE

(question 41 was stupid so I erased it! mwa ha ha ha!)

43. Who is the last person you hugged?
i think it was ..... Sarah ... i could be wrong

44. Are you lonely right now?
not lest not at the moment


Tyler Lowery

October 16 2007
i cant believe im competing with a horse