"Blah Blah Blah" thats all i'm hearing

September 22 2007

MOOD: Tired/Tired/Tired
(oh and these are 3 DIFFERENT kinds of Tired! #1 - Sleep kinda Tired #2 - Tired of Drama #3 - Tired of things i want to forget about always coming up)

Today i got to go to the movies! i saw one of my new top 10 favorite movies, its called Sydney White. LOVE IT!
But there were all this kids in the theater that i suppose had never gone to the movies without their mommys b/c they were ALL over the place, Yelling & talking REALLY loud. And OMGosh i have never seen so much Drama in less then 2 hours. At one point i think this one kid that thought he was Mr. Cool Guy was going to beat up this over guy that made some girl cry. It was CRAZY! Anyways the movie was FANTASTIC!
Oh yeah and i think i am haunted with a stupid little state called HAWAII! OMGosh Hawaii stuff is EVERY WHERE! its getting to be a pain in the rain! I cant go ANYWERE without seeing something that has to do with Hawaii, its quite sad i would have to say.
Well sorry for boring you people, suppose i'll talk to you later.

Tyler Lowery

September 22 2007
sorry people make up my small state to be greater than it really is, its not all that great really lol. but sorry your being "haunted" :(


September 23 2007
you poor kid! j/k