July 30 2007

1. How do you feel about the second to last person you kissed? Ha I Would Have To Say Pretty Good. BUT I Dont Know If It Counts Since It Was A Horse :P

2. What's bothering you right now? The theres a lot but my # one would have to be not being abule to hang out with Tyler or like EVER :(

3. Will you kiss the last person you kissed again?
      Ha No...B/c i sold him..haha And again i'm not sure if it counts since it was a horse :P


4. What is in your wallet?
I Dont carry a wallet, i put my money in my back pocket :) fun in the sun

5.What is on your computers background? It would be me riding Kate, cantering through an open filed..AHHH i want to go riding

6. Background on your cell phone?
 Well seeing i dont have a cell phone, there wouldn't be a background

7. Next time you will kiss someone?
  hopfully some day :)

8. Where your default picture was taken?
   In my Kitchen

9. Eyes:

10. Life: is not always what you want but its live with it  

11. House:
    is small...and..yeah just small

12. Doing this weekend?
   Living life like most people do

13. Wearing?
 Jeans - my "Be A Voice Not An Echo" shirt - and i just kicked off my Horse-Girl-Boots

14. Who was the last person to send you a text message?
AGAIN i dont have a cell phone, get this through your head!

15. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?What if i dont want a thing..and maybe i want a person?? Well i suppose i'll just go with the question and say, a Camera

16. Listening to?
 Cold As You by Talyor Swift

17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Patty?
No .. that a strange question

18. What do you smell like?
I WISH i smelled like horses b.c that would mean i got to ride today BUT NO.. :( i smell oh so good though :)

19. Eating?

20. On your bed, what is your favorite thing?
My Jounal

23. Do you remember your dreams?
Yep.....manly the bad ones :( but i remember some good ones

24. Do you burn easily in the sun?

25. Have you ever been gambling?
 Well if gambling means playing poker with my brother when i was like...11 with money. Then yes  i have. BAD GRACE :P

26. What's something you wish you could understand better? The Christian Fath....and myself :P I dont think anyone understands me :P


27. What did you do last weekend?
shopping and a movie

28. Who do you miss?

 What kinda question is this... You people know who i miss.... Its a kid named Tyler


29. Who is the last girl you hugged?
I would have to say.....i have no idea :P


30. Orange or apple juice?
   ether or.. i dont care

31. Who was the last person you went somewhere with?
Carmen Pooch E.A


32. What was the last text message?
 OMGosh you still dont get it...THERE IS NOT CELL PHONE


33. Have you kissed anyone on your top friends?
No i dont have a MySpace..sorry..and even if i did have one...the answer would still be no

34. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
 I HAVE NO IDEA...and who cares

36. What was the last thing you drank?

37. Whose house did you go to last night?
My house :) lol

38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
I Think it was......i dont know i haven't been to the hospital in a long time

39. Do you like someone right now?
 HA wow you peopel are stupid if you dont know...but i'll answer it anyway, Yes Very Much So 

40. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?

41. What is the last movie you watched? With who?
       HAIRSPRAY *GRATE MOVIE* and i watched it with Carmen Pooch E.A

42. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
  Water...Water.... & Water

43. What are you excited about?
    Riding My Horse....when ever someone will take me to ride

44. Do you want someone you can't have?
No... :P

45. Who was last to slap your butt?
Well people should know not to slap my butt......

46. Where was the last place you went?
       Stupid Spanish Call


47. What's on your mind right now?
Food...i'm hungry

48.have you cried recently?
not real

49. If an unstoppable force comes across an unmovable object, then what happens?
nothing..i think.. IDK i hate these kindas of questions..They make my brain work and thats not fun...haha

50. Is taking a shower a daily habit?
yep yep