Whats Up?

July 27 2007

Hey My Fantastic People,
Hows it going. The past few days have been craZy yet calm. I got to go to one of my old friends house :) We went canoeing down a rive that goes around by their house, and as most of you know, i HATE bodies of water. Anything other than a pool or a creek does not go well with me. But i went anyways and it was a lot of fun, so i'm proud of myself for doing it. Other then that accomplishment nothing much has happend to me. I've been up to the same old same old. But i do have a prayer request, You see my mom cleans houses during the day ( as some of you know ) and she just got another job at the 700Club at night. She leaves at 5:00 and doesn't get home tell 12:00. She only has that job at night on i think its Monday-night, Thursday-night, & Friday-night. But shes really tired, and if you guys could pray for her. That would be FANTASTIC. And one more thing, some of you know i dont get along with my mom all that swell, I've been trying to work on it but if you guys could please pray for me on that. THANKS :)

Tyler Lowery

July 27 2007
sure thing :)


July 30 2007
I shall. And I miss u!!! We must hang out next week!!!