I'm Oh So Bored

July 12 2007

Mark the things that you have:
[x] A mom
[x] A dad *I suppose*
[x] Stepmom *my dads getting Remarried so i suppose i would have a Stepmom but i will never speak to her! *
[] Stepdad
[] A younger brother
[] A younger sister
[x] An older brotherS
[x] An older sisterS
[x] Grandfather
*but they are my dads parents and i dont speak to them*
[x] Grandmother
[X] Cousins
[] Half-brother
[] Half-sister
[] Stepbrother
[] Stepsister
[] Brother-in-law
[] Sister-in-law
[] Niece
[] Nephew

1. Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s?
90's BABY

2. Where were you born?

TN Born and raised baby :P a pure Tennessean

3. What city did you grow up in?

4. did you have a good childhood?

 a GREAT Childhood...not so good when i hit 2005


5. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

a horse trainer and in the FBI


6. What do you want to be now?

 a better person


7. Name the first memorable vacation you took as a kid?
-we only went to FL every year so....i guess going to FL


8. What was your first best friend’s name?
-Will Turner


9. Are they still your friend?
-Uhmmm yeah we only see each other sometimes but yeah we are still friends

10. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?
-Well i went to my Kitchen, THEN the living room, THEN my room, and NOW I'm back to the kitchen


11. Were you closer to your mom or dad as a kid?
-my mom..kinda


12. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
-i have NO idea


13. How old were you when u first heard of chuck norris?
-lol like 10


14. Are you scared of anything?
-losing more people i care about

15. How old were you when you wanted to get your ears pierced for the 2nd time?
- never, i have never wanted to get them pierced ( weird i know ) 


16. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?
-OH you know my mom making me buy my lunch

17. Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
-craZy enough, i haven't really broken any bones :P


18. Were you a mean kid?
-Nope, i was nice


19. Favorite board game of all of time?
-CLUE all the way..and Life 

20. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
-Mostly Heros.... i always played with Seth when we were kids, and i cant see Seth playing house!! :P


21. What was your favorite class in elementary school?


22. Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart?
- HELLO, have you met me?? HECK YES


23. Did you ever come close to dying?
-YES, more then once


24. When you were little did you ever do drugs?

NO WAY! i didn't even know what drugs where tell i was 11 or 12