i know i hate them too

July 09 2007


so anyway...here goes nothing.


Whats your favorite color?? Ha I have a few :) Baby-Blue - some Greens - GRAY! :)

Do you like to swim?? Yep

Do you want to stay where you are or move?? I want to move back to my old house...oh the fun we had in that house!! :)

Do you like to take pictures?? HECK YES

Do you have a camera/iPod?? No to both of them *sad face*

Do you love someone?? Yep

Do they love you back??I think everyone knows the answer to this one.... YES

If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?? Help people every where I could and buy my mom sisters and brothers new cars b/c their cars seem to brake down ALL the time. Oh yeah and go to Hawaii ALL the time

If your happy and you know it what do you do?? Smile, Laugh... have fun :P lol

Do you like toast?? Sorta it depends on how I feel

What are you wearing?? jeans and a t-shirt my sister made...well she bought the shirt but she draw the design on it, oh and some knee socks

Before you took this what were you doing?? Talking to Tyler and Carmen

Do you play any sports?? no but I ride horses IF that counts for anything. I think it is a kind of sport b/c I risk my life every time I get on a horses back..... IDK though

What is your favorite Food like Mexican, Cajun, Italian ect. ?? Mexican...man thats my home land kind of food :P

If you could be doing anything right now what would it be?? Hanging out with my friends OH OR riding my horse bareback with no helmet cantering through an open filed :)

Do you think surveys are gay?? Most of the time yes

Do you like to stay inside or go outside?? It matters what it feels like outside

Have you ever been outside of the country?? Yep

Have you ever flown?? Nope not a once

If you could have 1 super power what would it be?? Is Wisdom a super power???