
June 24 2007

Yeah so everyone was doing this so i figure "WHY NOT" :) so here it goes 

1.Hi my name is... Grace

2.Never in my life...  Died

3.The one person who can drive me nuts is... Theres more than just one

4.High going to be the same old same old 

5.When I'm nervous..I Pray 

6.The last time I cried 86hours 

7.If I were to get marrried right now my wedding party would be...fantastic fun 

8.My hair is...brown / dirty-blonde

9.When I was five... i lived in a BLUE house

10.Last Christmas...was horrilbe 

11.I should be...doing Spanish homework

12.When I look down...i am usually trying to hind what i am feeling

13.The craziest recent event was...OMGosh the car ride to and from 86hours 

14.If I was a character on Friends I'd be... I have no idea

15.By this time next year...I will be where ever God puts me 

16.My current gripe is... Tyler moving

17.I've looked on everyone's and there doesn't seem to be 17, so...on to 18.

18.There's this girl I know... that is so fantastic :) (Lane) 

19.You know I like you... if i have told you that i do :p  duh

20.If I won an award the first person I would tell would be...i would thank God first but i would probably tell my mom first

21.Take my advice... Laugh 

22.My most wanted item is...I have no idea

23.If you visited the place I was born...there would be a lot of babys

24.I plan to start... laughing

25.If you spent the night at my house... you would be at my house.. (what kind of question is that)

26.I'd stop my wedding if...God told me too

27.The world could do without...hurt

28.I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach... then watch tyler get on the plane 

29.The most recent thing I've bought myself... Food

30.Most recent thing someone else bought for me...Tyler left the tip for my at cracker barrel

31.My favorite blonde... Probably...... i dont know

32.My favorite brunette...  ME :P lol

33.My favorite red head is...Angelina

34.My middle name is... Grace

35.This morning... i got ready for church

36.The animal I would most like to see fly besides birds...Pigs

37.Once, at a bar... there was never a once b/c i've never been

38.Last night... i stayed up late thinking

39.There's this guy I know pretty dang funny,cute,nice, yeah pretty much everything fantastic (Hint Hint Tyler)

40.I don't know why... i can't be riding right now 
41.A better name for me would be...idk i kinda like my name
42.Tomorrow...i'm going to Spanish :( I HATE SUMMER SCHOOL

43.My birthday is...August 9th and dont forget it

44.What I really want for Valentine's get Rose's and some chocolate :)

45.I'm allergic to...Poison Ivy