
March 08 2007

So, i haven't done to much different.
I got to go to my best friends church wednesday night! It was good, i stoped going wednesday night to my church b/c i wasn't learning anything! I haven't learned anything on a wednesday night in a LONG time! So, yeah, that was fantastic. I baby-sat a bunch this week, but that happens like every week :)
Yesterday i got to go riding. It was so much fun. I rode my third favorite horse... lol
We ran like craZy and it was THE best thing i have done in a long time. It was FANTASTIC to be up in the saddle, since we moved, i haven't got to ride or play around with horses everyday :( But at lest once a week is better then nothing.... right....
I am getting used to my braces!!
They don't hurt as bad. What else is there.... School, is the same for me, i am doing pretty good with all my subject. I think thats about it.
So, i'll up-date when something else fantastic happens :)