
December 28 2006

What do you do when........ your so Confused that its not even funny?
What do you do when your so Lost that you don't even know who you really are?
What do you do when the only thing you do is Worry?
What do you do when the only thing that makes you Happy hardly comes around?
What do you do when Life is passing you by?
What do you do when Time seems to fly?

      What do you do????????????????????

♥...blue eyes...♥

December 28 2006
You deal...That sounds mean but i mean it...you take life by the horns and let it know who's in charge...and pray....pray hard. If you ever need to talk, i am here for ya, gurl!

Jacob Wuertz

December 28 2006
when life gives you lemons, you throw them back and ask for bananas


December 29 2006
Well I say throw lemons in the eyes of your enemies because lemons are a nice size fro an eye and even if they are cut open then someone is getting lemon juice in their eye......dang that hurts


December 29 2006
LOL ha ha i'll have to try that :)