

Relationship Status



Siegel High School




June 22 2006
do you ever feel that you are only friends with someone because they are always around you?  a friend of convience or even if you will a single serving friend (little Fight Club for you!)? If that person didn't go to church with you or was on the same sports team, or in the same class with you...would you still be friends?  Could it be that you are just searching for someone to entertain you?  In a world where if you aren't being entertained for a second you get completely bored and search out the next thing to do?  Why is that we don't care enough about a person to keep in touch with a person after they aren't in your life as much as they used to be? Why does it have to be that we constantly have to have that person around for us to consider them our friends..?  Why can't we call that person we are in class with to do something else other than share funny stories as the teacher bables on?  Why is that each year we are so open to throw away the relationships we half heartedly built over the summer just to create the same type next year?  Is this why no one ever knows any of their friends after high school? they are just to lazy to call them because they are used to seeing them everyday.  I don't know what else to say so there is my rant for the next couple of weeks....

Rebekah Minor

June 22 2006
personally, i lost touch because i dont want to impose on someone's "new" life...but thats just me... so, i was told you probably have every guster cd ever made...can i borrow those? and dont worry, you will get them do know where i live


June 23 2006
I wish I could answer any of those for you. I could try...but I would probably just get frustrated and give up. our moms work together.

Ryan Conley

June 24 2006
Sounds like a crappy situation... But, in your defense, it sounds like this situation is continuing b/c of their efforts, and not your own. Sadly, I have a list of best friends now that are merely associates....I might see them at church and they might say hi, but their responses are limited and they really don't see to care much about how I'm doing nor actually want to I'm sorry :(. People come and people go, and several times you have to let the chips fall and see where they land. If nothing else, I have a really cool SG body that I got last week at Project Serve that you would love to see so give me a call, let's some fight club, lock stock, charlie, snatch....anythign really.