Sam Moriarty


amazing night

March 17 2007

so tonight was awsome.

im actually really glad i stayed in wind ensemble. even tho i still dont like prague, and i think its really an ugly ugly piece, it was super cool to play for all those ppl.

we got a lot of clapping : ] and pretty much everyone there stood up for us. even the JUDGES!

and O Magnum made ppl on stage with me cry [even the director], and my friend who was watching said she was on the verge of tears, listening.

p.r.e.t.t.y. cooooool.

yeah, that and some ppl suck, and i think will probably always suck, when it comes to ppl skills. this on ein particular is 3 letters, with an A in the middle.

p.s. i have to loose about 4 lbs by saturady. wooooo lightweight.