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May 22 2006

I really hate to say it, but Phusebox is getting old to me.

anyone else?


May 22 2006
no, phusebox is ok. it's xanga and myspace that are getting old.

Kelly Sullivan

May 23 2006
Well, now that you mention it....


May 23 2006
yes it is kind of boring


May 23 2006
phusebox is ok. <br><br>xanga is <i><b><u>BoRiNGGG</u></b></i> <br><br>myspace is <i><b><u>too</u></b></i> time consuming.

Jessica Johnson

May 23 2006
i love myspace. phuse box is boring to me.

[LJ] &hearts;

May 23 2006
fusebox was never new to me

[LJ] &hearts;

May 23 2006
phusebox** lol w/e


May 24 2006
no, phusebox and myspace are cool!!! not like all other websites

Teresa Smith

May 24 2006
Yeah...I agree...but that's partly to do with the fact that I have no friends on here...


May 25 2006
Lil bit since I don't actually know y'all being a in a different time zone and all...

courtney little

May 30 2006
lol....yeah wats so great about it.....mmm...do i know u by the way?


June 12 2006
acctually.....it is when i style it like one... i didnt want a cut where i would have to have the same style EVERY DAY... boring.... htis way i can faux it spike it... or just leave it down lol.... my mom wont let me hawk it though if im going out w/ her LMAO!!! ~tRISH

Tara Jordan

June 12 2006
Amen. i agree. i dont know you but your one of my friends:) cya

[LJ] &hearts;

June 13 2006
ahh the new pic is cool<3


June 14 2006
I actually like Phusebox, I like it sometimes even better than myspace, bc u can write like a journal ...haha. But yeh anyway , how are you? Havent talked to ya in awhile. Hope your summer is going well. ttyl ~ sarah


June 14 2006
Oh well then ur camera is cool :). ttyl


June 17 2006
aw thanks. hm. i just got started on phusebox. so. i wouldn't think its boring. do myspace. you'll love it =] and become addictteeeddd haha. <3