Candi Ramsey
Relationship Status
Siegel High School
Being on the Farm, Hanging with friends, laying in the grass with a friend just talking about life, deep conversations, music, movies, and chevy
Favorite Music
Country, r&b, rap, blues, pop hip hop, opera, rock, mostly n e thing
Favorite Movies
i like alot.... humm.... comedy, scary, action, drama, some lovy dovy....
Favorite Books
i dont really read....
Other Websites
life's CRAZY
December 08 2005
The truth is, I am lost in the past.
Lost in something so great...something I had
..but dont have anymore.
Lost in something so great...something I had
..but dont have anymore.
January 13 2006
I friggin love you darlin'.
<br>You make me smile really big!!!
<br>You are a beautiful lady,
<br>and We are gonna go ride
<br>Out of Order Elevators.
January 14 2006
Order out of that elevator *points at elevator*
hahahaha....oh then there's the
<br>"Would you light my candle???"
<br>Haha...good times. Love you!!!