Handwriting: A Self Potrait?

October 04 2005
Well, I went to the handwriting analysis. I was impressed... but not the lady doing the handwriting analysis. In fact, I was very underimpressed by her. Or maybe just the idea of typography in general. Getting really specific about a person based on their handwriting just does not work most of the time. However, some things were very accurate. I print instead of writing in cursive, which apparently makes me a "just the facts" person, which is soooo not like me at all! But my large print can account for my ability to hold a grudge, my love for bright colors, and Mexican food. (Well, she said hot, spicy foods, so that would pretty much just be Mexican for me.)

What did impress me was the young lady sitting to the left of me. You see, we were supposed to write about the person right of us and what we thought they were like. Well, my mom was sitting to the right of me so I didn't have much of a challenge. Anyhow, so when the handwriting woman put up what the woman next to me wrote about me... whoa. It blew me away. Almost everything was true! It was crazy! I guess that goes to show that you can tell a whole lot about a person by merely looking at them.

Here's what she said about me:
~Conservative (very true)
~Have lots of friends (I would like to think so!)
~Good team player (I think so... hope so!)
~Love my pet (well, I don't have a pet, but I love everyone else's pets!)
~I moved once during grade school (in addition to a couple of other times, yes I did!)
~Love my favorite foods but I don't like to try strange new things (very very true!)
~I enjoy romantic comedies (as long as they're clean this is true... While You Were Sleeping has been a long time favorite of mine!)
~Have had 1 or 2 boyfriends (I'm still dating the only one I've ever had)

We're not supposed to judge, but isn't it crazy how much we can sometimes see in another person? I think I am more interested in people watching now more than ever before. (Ben Wicks says it's creepy that I like to people watch at the airport... but oh well).

All I can say is that this has all been very interesting to me...

OH! And a group of seriously needs to go to that Toby Mac Winter Wonder Slam thing at Lipscomb. Tickets go on sale Saturday! Who's interested?!


October 04 2005
That's really neat!


October 04 2005
whoa-that's actually kinda creepy that she did that. x_X


October 04 2005
that is really cool that she could do that. have a wonderful week Amy!


October 04 2005
aah, and I dunno why I overlooked it, but Toby Mac Winter Wonder Slam at Lipscomb? sounds like fuuuun!! :) when is it?


October 05 2005
The state recognizes my recent ordination as valid. I am now Reverend Nathanael Rober Tallman.

Nathan Moore

October 05 2005
thats awesome


October 05 2005
i should have gone to that!