A Java Chip Frappucino is Calling my Name...

June 17 2005
All the cool kids are gonna be at Starbucks at 7:30!!! Whoo hoo!!!

I wish I had something deep to write today. I was reading Cari's entry and my jaw just about hit the floor. I want to do great and mighty things for God, but I guess I can't imagine going in a savage area to spread His good news. I would of course, but I've always believed that I was called to stay right here in the U.S.A.
Before I got online, I started looking at my future college classes. Looking through the college catalog used to equal stress, anxiety, and confusion, but now looking through the catalog excites me about all that is ahead. I feel such a peace about electronic media production. When I tell people my major, half of them look at me like I spoke a foreign language, but I know it's sooooo right for me. I'm not even sure if production is in my future, but I know that this is the right direction.
This is what I know: there are many things I want to do, and the Scriptures say that in whatever we do, we should do for the glory of God. I also know that God has great plans and He can make anything possible. In my lifetime I would love to be a wife, mother, writer, photographer, producer, director... I don't know what the future looks like for me, but I know I have nothing to worry about. It's all in God's hands... and that's exciting!

*EDIT* Starbucks/mall/Target was fun. It was me, Garrett, Graham, Aimee, Cameron, Rachael, and Sarah. It was an odd group in a way, but a very good group and we enjoyed ourselves. So what is everyone else's excuse for skipping out???


June 17 2005
yeah, I've always felt God has called me to stay in the USA as well. You know, you are going to do some great things with your life, Amy. You've got an amazing heart for God and many unique talents. And you're right, God does have great plans. well, have fun at Starbucks. I'l ttyl


June 17 2005
I was visiting with a friend whom is leaving for Arizona tomorrow. And I really do miss BigStuf..I miss dancing around and not caring.