Well So Much for No Stress...

September 27 2005
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, whether on here or on Facebook! I really appreciate it!

So after I walked to the KUC with Garrett after English class, I headed over to Peck Hall to meet with my professor about my paper. Wow... I'm sure glad I did! She crossed out two of my paragraphs and gave me other ideas and suggestions for imporvements for the type of paper that she wanted. So basically, since I came home from school (at 4... ick... way too late) I've been working on majorly revising this paper. As I told my mom before I left, "I'm going home to reconsider my life, my paper, and my minor."

Sigh. It'll all be over Thursday. I'll be happy to get a B out of this paper. Dr. Therrien is one tough cookie.

I got an e-mail from an old Texan friend yesterday... it was crazy awesome. Sometimes she would be kinda mean to me, but she apologized for how she treated me in the past and was telling me about all the awesome ways God was moving in her life now! I thought that was so awesome! God is good.

And He'll get me through this semester...

Garrett Haynes

September 27 2005
happy birthday! September birthdays rock...does it seem like to you that everybody has one in september? I didn't notice it untill this year...its like everybody's b-day...

Anna Miller

September 27 2005
i. am. so. stinkin. scatter brained. in all the insanity from our phone call earlier, i completely forgot to wish you a happy birthday! so. . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY POWERS! I love you!!!!!

kyle cantrell

September 27 2005
So Happy Late Birthday!