Out of the Box

September 22 2005
You know how we all set up our little ideals and comforts and have them all packaged oh so nicely in our little Christianity box? Sometiems we're willing to peek our heads out of the box just a little, but we don't dare to step out to cause any waves. And then God comes along and tips the box over, causing you to tumble out. What an awkaward moment. And yet He does it for a reason.

I found myself in such a situation today. In my Understanding Mass Media class, everyone has a day assigned to them that they share with the class a "media minute," in which they present a product a media and ask questions about it. Mine was today, and I showed the Stacie Orrico video "More To Life".

That was me, being the good little Christian example, peeking my head out of the box so people could see the little glimmer of God. I asked a question to the class about how effective the video was in reaching a broad audience with the different characters portrayed.

Boom. God knocks the box over, and I tumble out as another Christian girl in my class right away makes a comment about Stacie Orrico being a Christian artist, and the discussion turned into how that can reach people who aren't Christians, since she never mentions God. One girl said she thought it was hypocritical of her to say she was a Christian artist and not mention God, but most seemed to disgaree with her.

But all I can say is wow. It was so awkward and weird at first, and not at all what I had envisioned in my mind. I asked a question totally unrelated to God or Christianity or religion period, yet it came up. And it was ok. No hostility. And maybe, hopefully, it meant something to someone. I may not know why God knocked me out of the box today, but I know there was a reason for it.

Birthday countdown: 5 days

*EDIT* I'm also asking you to please pray for the Houston/Galveston area. Guys, I grew up there. Eight years of my life was invested there and I have several friends who are having to leave it all behind, hoping that there will be something to come home to. Please pray that Rita won't be too costly. I would greatly appreciate it.


September 23 2005
x_X hmmm yes...i hope it's not too bad -.- But you know, ALL the highways and stuff are packed and there's no way to get out, so we're just kidna sticking it out, hoping and praying nothing too bad happens. =/