Birthday Countdown: One Week

September 20 2005
It is as hot as Hades!!! I am ready for fall!

Wow. My English teacher totally rocks my socks and she made my day!

See, yesterday I had one of those crazy emo stressing out sort of days. Those are not fun or cool by any means. While my upcoming geology test loomed much in my mind, I was also already beginning to stress out about my English paper due next Thursday, because my teacher seems like a tough grader.

I firmly believe that sometimes, God just really ordains my time. He probably always does. It seems as if there is a purpose behind my actions and even to my very pace of walking. I walked with Garrett to the KUC after English class as I always do, stopped in the bookstore to buy some scantrons, which I don't normally do, and then headed to the parking lot where my car was at. Well, on the way to the parking lot, I see my English professor. At first I think we are just exchaging hellos, but when I realize she has more to say, I remove my iPod earphone buds.

Then she goes on to tell me that I bring up some very good points in class, that I have a lot of good things to say, and I should keep at it! Wow! That made me so incredibly happy! I was kinda getting the vibe that Dr. Therrien liked what I had to say in class at times, but it was just so awesome to hear her compliment me so highly! It meant a lot to me, especially as a first semester freshman in a sophomore level honors class who is planning to minor in English. It really encouraged me in a way that I really needed.

Thank God for those little things.

"Love woke me up this morning..."


September 20 2005
i ready for fall TOO!


September 20 2005
personally, i like it hot, but then again, i like all weather. i'm kinda worried about how cold it gets up here. it might stink to have to walk to class in the snow. piece


September 20 2005
I'm praying for you too. Worry is such a pain, but we'll overcome it. And that's neat what your English teacher said to you. She's right, because you do have wonderful things to say and ideas to contribute. well, hope you have a great rest of the week!


September 20 2005
You don't remember heat...You've been up north too long. =P And it's always good to have the prof like you.^^