Please Take Me on a Captivating Journey...

September 19 2005
"Imagine a beautiful castle and a beautiful king/ He left the comfort of his throne to fight for victory/ Love woke me up this morning and I ran to see/ The king in the winner's circle/ Only a king would do anything/ To protect the kingdom..." -Bethany Dillon

I don't know when the last time I sat down and really thought how great and awesome and amazing my Savior is. I've been so busy with school... as I sit here typing I'm thinking of the homework I should be doing and the meeting I need to go to later but I really don't want to.

"So remind me why You woke me up/ And why You wake me every morn/ The staff in my hand/ Held in love by your hand/ Just to stay close, stay close..." -Bethany Dillon

I'm not passionate about geology or HSA or Collage or blog assignmets or many of the other things that I feel are tying me down... 3/4 of these things I cannot break from... what do I do? I suppose I just try to get through them... and pray that God would reveal Himself to me through everything...

*EDIT* I guess I'm in sort of a waiting period... since I'm in the middle of a new beginning, it's like I have to be adjusted to everything before I can really jump into certain things... things I am passionate about. We all have to wait for a lot of things in life. I just hope that I can always remember to look to Christ alone as He leads me through my journey...


September 19 2005
umm.. hi. It was nice seeing ya again today. Its like i never see ya at school. Oh well. Glad your math class got cancelled