Common Sense

September 07 2005
I saw a guy with a Kerry Edwards shirt on today, and you have no idea how badly I wanted to walk up to him and say, "You do realize he lost, right?"

Bleh. I don't like it when I'm so focused on myself and fail to trust God. How stupid. He's the center of it all and I'm a tiny speck. He's in control of this whole gigantic universe and I know jack squat.

If anyone knows anything about the upcoming fall retreat, like what I'm supposed to take, please let me know! I feel very uninformed! I'm bringing $25 tonight in case they want it...

In geology, Lindsey and I sat there and rolled our eyes as we watched a video about the origins of the earth. Like did you know that the earth started out as a raging inferno, filled with molten lava and rock? Then somehow it magically evolved into the beautiful creation we have today. Hmmm imagine that.

*EDIT* Oh yes, and in case you were wondering, Math 1010 is not real math. Just a random thought I would share with my beloved Phusebox readers.


September 07 2005
You will feel very uniformed in Ao. Basically bring old clothing. You won't be getting to sweety, I don't think, and thats basically it. Pack for an over night trip. It will be only one day. You can wear flip-flops, but bring a pair of tennis shoes, if you want to play capture the flag. This is what the AO website says: We will be leaving Belle Aire on Friday, September 9th at 4:00PM and returning on Saturday, September 10th at 5:00PM. Be prepared for an awesome time meeting new people and getting to know what AO is all about. There will be great food, music, fellowship, and, of course, intense games of Capture the Flag! Any more questions, ask me tonight, I will be there.


September 07 2005
just bring "stuff" to the "new student retreat"... you'll be fine


September 07 2005
the devotional book is "Starting Your Day Right" by Joyce Meyer. lol, your math class sounds like my math class. My math class is the Survey of the Fundamentals of Math. have a great week! :)


September 07 2005
LOL-you should've gone up to the guy. It woulda been funny. =P