Massive Craziness!

September 01 2005
God is in control...

As my mom and I were looking at a car that served as a very strong possibility for me, my dad got a flat tire on the way to work.

His car is pretty old and he's pretty sick of it anyways. I know a flat tire has nothing to do with a car falling to pieces, but I'm sure this doesn't make him feel any better about it.

So my dad's car needs a new tire.

And he also needs a cell phone.

And a car.

And I need a car.



But life could be a lot worse.

School was awesome today. I thoroughly enjoyed English class. We had a great discussion that Garrett and I agreed was good because no one tried to read too deeply in the stories we discussed, and also that we did not feel stupid when we contributed something. It's gonna be a good class.

Oh... and I switched out my lab so I have a much easier professor... go me! I was going to switch into Lindsey Kittel's lab, but alas, it was full, so I switched to another lab with the professor she has, since she's supposed to be super easy. Yay... I don't have to take the test of doom after all!

Rachael Moore

September 01 2005
i understand the craziness. you will be in my prayers. i love you amy powers!


September 02 2005
heehee that was me. i was 5 :)


September 02 2005
It's college, it's supposed to be hard.


September 02 2005
sorry for all the negatives.