A Special B'day and College Life

August 31 2005
First off, it's Garrett's birthday! Be sure to wish him a happy one!

So yesterday, Theatre Appreciation was good, Understanding Mass Media absolutely rocked, and English was fine.

Dr. Spires teaches my UMM class, and I love him almost as much as I love the class itself. Already, even just one day into it, I can tell that it's going to be my favorite. Right away, I felt very comfortable in there. The seating arrangement is in a U shape, which is a very good arrangement for a class with all the discussions we are going to have. We had to introduce ourselves to everyone, and it's the only class so far that I am totally comfortable speaking up in already.

I have a good English teacher, but I'm going to have to work hard. It sounds like she's going to expect a lot out of the papers we are writing, but she is going to give us a couple of chances to revise our stuff, so that's good. There was also a notice on the syllabus that some of the stuff we'll be reading about we probably won't be comfortable with, but I think I need to stick with it, because this is just another part of growing up. I can't live in a bubble forever.

Lab this morning was alright. We had to feel, smell, scratch rocks... ha ha... seriously! I never would have imagined! Anyhow, my teacher's nice, but I am concerned about our first test next Wednesday. We have to be able to identify rocks... and I could hardly identify them with the lab book in front of my face... much less from memory! I'm really hoping I don't fail...

Geology was good. I got there in plenty of time today, and Lindsey and I sat together in the second row.

Lastly, math. My teacher is VERY Russian, but thankfully he is not psychotic! I have to strain sometimes to understand him, but it's all good. He's pretty funny, and it's gonna be a real easy class. Like... insult my intelligence easy! We learned about scientific notation today. Whoo...


August 31 2005
You spell "theatre" the British way! Hehehe-nice. I like it better the British way. ^_^ Some for colour and honour, etc. :P It lookes cooler. 0=)

Garrett Haynes

August 31 2005
Why thank you for the b-day wishes, but i am afraid my b-day is not for another 16 days. j/k.


August 31 2005
we learned about scientific notation in my class today too...wow the suggested hw problems...haha i did them all in my head in about 10 min...so i understand haha


August 31 2005
i'm in college algebra