What A Way to Start College...

August 28 2005
My day started with Sunday school this morning, as most of my Sundays do. It was kinda neat to see all the extra people there that had not been there over the summer. Then there was the church service, and then there was the lunch, but I skipped it to eat a real quick lunch at my house right before I rushed out of the house for convocation.

I had been told it would be terribly boring, and it was kinda boring, but I am soooo glad I went. First off, I had a blast sitting with Anna. We just laughed about everything! And the band did an amazing job doing their Olympic music 4 1/2 times... ha ha... and Aron Ralston was a good speaker. It was cool to see his prosthetic arm and wild hair. Also, it just felt like the official beginning of college, kinda like how graduation is the official end.

Afterwards was sooooo awesome! Anna, her cousin Nathan, Renfroe and I walked forever to get to the picnic, where we are greeted by a band singing "I like big butts..." (at this point we are telling Anna to cover her eleven year old cousin's ears) and then it started to pour. Thankfully, I had my umbrella, and we spent much of our time waiting for food huddled together under my umbrella along with Alex Rader and two random girls he knew. Let me tell you, I totally regretted not having my camera with me... it was definitely a Kodak moment of our first big college experience! I saw Miss Ashley Orman and Allison DeBlois with the Armark people and talked with them briefly.

So while tromping through puddles to get back to our cars, Garrett calls me and invites me to come with his family to TGI Friday's to celebrate his birthday (which is Wednesday). Well, I looked like a drowned rat at the moment, but why not? So I went home, and was amazed and relieved to discover that my wet hair had magically dried in a beautifully wavy way. I thanked God for that as I changed clothes and got ready.

photo from SingAHappySong

So Friday's was fun. Garrett's mom sneakily whispered to the waitress that it was Garrett's birthday, so he was quite surprised when a whole crew of waiters and waitresses start clapping and singing! So all in all, I had a pretty busy, and pretty terrific day. I'm a little nervous about tomorrow, but mostly excited, especially after convocation and the picnic. I really believe that these next four years just really may blow away my expectations...


August 28 2005
get used to rain showers.. they happen on campus and you end up soaked.. from your head to your toes. even if you are carrying an unbrella. need to ponder on what to get gar for his b-day... hmm..

Anna Miller

August 28 2005
mmm, lovely band music indeed.

Carla Simpson

August 28 2005
yeah...i choose not to go to class on rainy days...i have a feeling there will be too many rainy days this semester to pull that one....

Rachael Moore

August 28 2005
good luck tomorrow! i will be praying for you! let me know how things go! i love you! and everything will be okay!


August 29 2005
aww, I'm glad you and Garrett had a great Sunday and I hope you have a great first day of college! good luck with everything :) I'm sure you'll do great