Wanted: Video Camera

August 23 2005
I want to make music videos. TODAY. I want a group of you to show up at my house with a video camera and ready to go. NOW.

"Work" has been going well. I've been seeing some old friends which is cool. I helped Kelly with some of her guidance office grunt work stuffing mailboxes... fun times! I seriously need to take a picture of the closet room that we have been spending most of our time filing stuff. It's INSANE.

Well... sorry I have nothing real worthwhile to say. Just don't forget about the video camera... ha ha...

Quote of the day:
*Student walks in guidance office*
"They don't have a clock in the living room."
*We all stare at him*
"I mean... cafeteria."


August 23 2005
Hahahaha-I like the quote of the day. =P

Anna Miller

August 23 2005
i was babysitting.


August 23 2005
lol. sounds like me. i say things wrong all the time... it was a tad bit better today. i was happy.


August 23 2005
i think you are crazy.


August 24 2005
lol, a student actually said that? that's hilarious. but yeah, I hope that school goes great for you next week. I miss you and everyone in Murfreesboro. ttyl