Another Random Entry

August 20 2005
From the game last night:

photo from SingAHappySong

Ah... being at a high school football game... it doesn't feel the same when you're not in high school anymore. I don't know it felt different. Maybe it felt different because Garrett was sitting with me instead of with the band. Maybe it felt different because... well I don't even know. Maybe it was just the new stadium. It was fun... but not the same. But that's a good thing. I don't want to go back. I want to move forward. Which is good... since that's my only option!

Anna and I did decide last night, however, that we should have been in band. It just looks like fun...

So I went to Starbucks with Aimee and Anna, and randomly ran into Lauren and Emily. That was pretty cool. I used my Starbucks coupon from the Bronx, so I got to drink a free grande java chip frappucino. That was nice.

Shopping is fun... if you're a girl that has trouble finding jeans, you may want to check out the new "curvy" (or "straight" if that describes you better) jeans at Gap. They fit me PERFECTLY and that's amazing. They're also super cute! If you try on a pair you get a free iTunes song... I'm trying to decide which song I want... oh the many choices...

One year without Bruce... it seems longer to me... it seems like a very distant memory...

Anna Miller

August 20 2005
Gap's jeans are nice, but they're way too expensive for me. I've learned that PacSun's jeans fit me pretty well. . . dude, and I found an awesome pair at Target the other day too, lol. Yes. . . band would have been fun. I wonder how we'd have looked in feathered hats, lol.


August 20 2005
shopping is fun. Gap is expensive. Did you go today?


August 20 2005
Whoa! Crazy! My mom just bought a pair of black pants from GAP on Friday. o.O But yeah, GAP doesn't fit me =/ and Target does, and it's cheaper, so I'm good. =D

ami driver

August 21 2005
oh my gosh! do you know how long ive been looking for jeans?? i finally found some at pac sun and ae, but i have to wear a belt with em. but trust me-- i felt your pain.. and yea-- 3 projects. yea.. =)

Jessica Goss

August 22 2005
You would have hated Riverdale's Band. :-P