"If I'm Late... Will They Kill Me?"

August 15 2005
"I want to ask you about school... if you're late for the first day of school, will they kill you?" -Sally to Charlie Brown in a Peanuts cartoon

Well, while many of you returned to high school for your first full day of the new year, I actually went to my new school, though it has not started back yet. This semester I will be working with the Honors College's literary magazine staff, so I went to MTSU for an InDesign worskshop. I ate lunch with Mom at the KUC and got some books at Phillip's. (I didn't see Garrett or Robert, but I did see Justin.)

But anyhow, the guy who was supposed to be showing us how to use InDesign did not show up... go figure! But it was still neat to be at the university. I know some kids go to MTSU because that's their only choice, but that's not the case with me. I chose to go there, and I like it, and I can feel how right it is whenever I'm on campus.

I have had some concerns like Sally, however, like what if I'm late to a class because I have trouble finding it? But I know that God is in control, and it's all going to work out for His glory.


August 15 2005
dont spaz out, if your late and lost... you just fit in with everyone else...


August 15 2005
find the class before school starts. thats what me and my friends are goin to do up at UT. but thats cause we have no idea whats goin on up there for the most part. haha. piece

Rachael Moore

August 15 2005
people walk in late to class all the time. if you do, just try to be as quiet as you can. trust me, it is not a big deal. like justin said, everyone else is looking too, even some of the older students, that may not be familiar with a building or whatever. everything will be okay. it is just like a big high school.


August 15 2005
Its college.. but you are taking honors classes. They might expect you to be on time all the time for those classes. It really isn't that hard to find your classes, and you will get the hang of it after like the first few days. I was just as scared as you were when I started. Now I'm not even worried about it. Most of the classrooms make sense, and people might be able to help you. And it doesn't hurt to have a map in handy just in case. Go early the first day, and figure out where you are going. You should have time to kill. I saw Garrett today at Philips.


August 15 2005
I was eating lunch.

Anna Miller

August 15 2005
lol, i know you asked Patrick, but Blackman's playing Oakland this Friday. Siegel and Riverdale are playing each other too. . . what a way to kick off the season.


August 16 2005
thanks for the nice remark. and yes, we'll definitely have to hang out and do something when I come back into town. :)


August 16 2005
oh yeah, and you're taking Honors courses? wow, you smartie, lol. and don't worry about being late to class...you'll be there on time I'm sure. Just be sure to leave your house in plenty of time in case of traffic lol

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

August 16 2005
An actor, the dad from Catch Me If You Can, lol.