Growing Older

August 14 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

Yesterday Garrett's dad turned 50, and I went to his birthday party last night. It was pretty fun. It was the first time I had played a real game of pool. I played against Hannah McKnight, who had also never played before. I lost because I sunk the 8 ball too soon. Oops. I stunk pretty bad at first but thankfully improved throughout the game. I'm definitely not that great though... Garrett's Uncle Ham nailed Chuck (Garrett's dad) in five minutes... Well I guess we'll see how well he does when HE'S the one turning 50... ha ha... ok, so 50's really not THAT old...

And just to think, sometimes I think 18 going on 19 is old. Well, not really old, but sometimes I feel like I've let the best years of my life slip past me. Wasn't high school supposed to totally rock? Well, I had a pretty good three years (I hated freshman year) but I think it's going to get better (but probably also harder) as God works through my life more and more.

And speaking of age... have you ever found yourself having to console someone older than you? It's a strange feeling. It makes you realize that growing up doesn't mean you'll always be confident or have all the answers. So that means that even on that first day of college when I feel oh so timid and not confident... that doesn't make me any less of a young woman... HOWEVER, I should rely on God, because He will take care of me!

So where are some good tennis shoes? I decided I wanted to take the Reeboks back... they're not my style... and I took back the pair of tennis shoes I had bought before those... I'm having a serious shoe crisis! I've been having a hard time finding shoes that fit me lately... odd... my old shoes still fit fine... so it can't be my feet... I don't think...

I went to Emily's bridal shower for a little while. That was kinda neat. I had never been to a bridal shower before today. It's the most I've gotten to talk to Sarah B. since she came home.

And last but not least, I have a theology bit for the day. Yes indeed... so my dad was talking about the sermon this morning and was saying something to me about how we can't come to God unless He calls to us, because we really can't come to Him on our own. So for a moment I was confused, but then I realized that this is very true. I'm not a Calvinist, but I believe in predestination. I also believe in free will. Contradiction? I don't think so. The Bible has verses about both. God predestines those He foreknew. Meaning, God knows who's going to believe in Him, and those He predestines. And those are the ones He calls to Him and accepts. We have the choice, but He knows how we will respond.


August 14 2005
amy! u just ruined my outrageous name! geez! i guess i'll forgive you...but that made me sad.


August 14 2005
:o( well i just decided to delete it


August 14 2005
mm yes, God is in control about college and all aspects of our lives. and I totally agree about the predestination and free will bit. good post Amy! :)


August 14 2005
Ahhh! Creepy George Lucas! :P Graham knows the story. :)

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

August 14 2005
Well, just wait til Charles gets going in Ephesians, lol. Biblically, I have a hard time believing anything but Calvinism, especially with some of the verses and their context that Charles can pull out. But yeah. Good times. Not a fundamental thing, lol.


August 14 2005
Garrett and his dad look alike. Its scary. Emily's shower today was fun. Sorry I didn't get to talk to you much. Anyway, wish ya luck on trying to find shoes that ya feel comfortable in. thats why i stick with flip-flops, they are comfortable, and don't make my feet sweat. I need to find another pair that will match what I'm wearing to the wedding.

Anna Miller

August 14 2005
Most are randomly colored, but I like Roos tennis shoes. Chuck Taylor's are comfortable too; I wear them to work.

Anna Miller

August 14 2005
And would the Uncle Ham happen to be where Garrett's middle name comes from?