Fully Loving = Fully Living = God's Glory!

August 05 2005
"The glory of God is man fully alive." -Saint Irenaeus

"...that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live." -Deut. 30:6b

"See, I set before you today life and prosperity..." -from Deut 30:15

To be fully alive is to fully love God. When we fully love God, His glory is revealed. Therefore, to be fully alive is to reveal God's glory. When we follow Him and love Him, we fully live because He directs in our paths what it takes to live life fully for Him.


Tonight is that swing music concert thing on the Square. Garrett and I are going... it should be fun! Also, we should all do something tomorrow night. Anna and I have been talking about it... any suggestions?

Mom said we might get a car for her and then I would get hers... that would be amazing. I love the 2000 black Toyota Camry with spoiler... But right now, anything decent and running would be nice...

Mom and Dad went and ate Chinese for lunch today. My Dad brought home a fortune cookie for me and this is what it said: "This is a good time to consider formally helping others."

Hmmm... interesting...


August 05 2005
hmm that is an interesting fortune...and i love those verses! my favorite verse comes from that chapter...it's Deut. 30:20!

Kelly Sullivan

August 05 2005
Is it just a music thing? ...Oh well. It's gonna become a dancing thing! Can't wait to see you there, love!


August 05 2005
fortune cookies. lol. graham got one that said you should embark on a new relationship. hopefully you will get the car.