God and Coffee

July 22 2005
"God first seeks devotion to Him in the hidden place- worship when no one else is watching." -Matt Redman

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis

"I've always known this wasn't home." -Bethany Dillon

I finished the little book I mentioned yesterday, and it turned out to be super awesome! It was a great way for me to connect with God when I wasn't really feeling anything at all.

Please be in prayer for me guys... well first off for my trip (I can't believe I leave the day after tomorrow...) but secondly for this: Last night Garrett randomly mentioned something to me, and told me that he thinks I should do it. Well, I had been thinking about it already, and hearing him say that out of no where just seemed to be further confirmation. So if y'all would please pray for everything to work out the way it's supposed to I would greatly appreciate it!

I love each and every one of you so much!!!

All the cool kids are going to Starbucks tomorrow night at 7. I'll be sure to remind you tomorrow as well... because you need to be there!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

July 22 2005
We'll see. Nobody seems to want us around *rolleyes*


July 22 2005
I love that CS Lewis quote. I hope you'll have a great time in New York :) you'll have to tell me all about it when you get back. ttyl


July 22 2005
i can't go...sry

Anna Miller

July 22 2005
i prolly can


July 22 2005
wow, that is so cool that Garrett said that. Wierd, but cool. I think we'll be there. Depends on my mood.


July 22 2005
all i know that we're doing is Canon in D. it's the only one i recognize.

Anna Miller

July 22 2005
*gasp* I LOVE Canon in D!!!!


July 22 2005
I'm not cool. I'm not going to Starbucks tomorrow at 7. >.>; Granted it'd be a little bit of a drive too...but s'all good. =D

kelsey shearron

July 22 2005
im glad im going too...i want to know what this something is...heh...great quotes!


July 23 2005
i love that quote from c.s. lewis! awesomeness! i'm glad that God spoke to you through the book! and i can't wait to see what all is going to happen this week! yay!