Children, I Am Afraid I Have Some Most Unfortunate News...

July 20 2005

Brian was killed by Kelly tonight with a knife at Davy Crockett's.

photo from SingAHappySong

I also ate the worst $7 meal in my life, and I spilled my water all over Kelly (sorry again girl!) but it was still pretty fun. Most of all, I'm excited for Clint and Rachel and their new baby! YAY!

So... everyone... well maybe I shouldn't say everyone... but a lot of people are really learning a lot right now. I don't feel like I'm drifting away from God, but I don't feel any closer. But this morning I kept reading about how God is always working even we don't see it. So that is what I standing on and believing in... I don't feel anything or see anything, but He's still there, working in my life, probably preparing my heart for my upcoming trip...

Kelly Sullivan

July 20 2005
Just another productive day at Davy Crockett's.... *Contented Sigh* And don't worry about the water, dear -- these jeans need[ed] washing!! :)


July 21 2005
BRIAN!! You havea to stay alive to help me with the children! You have too. Anyway, sorry that you were having such a bad run yesterday, I hope that today is bettter.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

July 21 2005
no excuses!


July 21 2005
Hehehe-nice expression on his face. =P Do you just carry a camera around with you everywhere you go? o.O


July 21 2005
You guys have much fun everywhere.


July 21 2005
blaze is the puppie me and my sister are watching!!! yeah i dint like tha meal last night either


July 21 2005
Just kind of exploring different churches. Not this week [i'll be in indiana] or two weeks after that [bandcamp stuff], but the week after that, I'll try and go to Belle Aire

Anna Miller

July 21 2005
I have a picture I want to show you. I took it last year in New York, and I realized it would be a good picture to enlarge and black and white. It turned out really well. We're such photo nerds. . . just like the lady in the commercial, lol.