I Hope This Makes You Happy, Brian...

July 20 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

I uploaded some more pictures from the Valentine's Day banquet (I only had one before, and Brian was apalled that he was not in it... but of course, he not only acted in the play but wrote it). So seeing these pictures again reminded me how much I really love to act. And even though I don't think that acting is a large part of my future, I still think this is a talent God gave me to use and enjoy. So where this leads I do not know... it may be as simple as co-leading the creative team this upcoming year...

I can't stop thinking about college... I am so excited about the opprotunity to branch out and learn so many new things...


July 20 2005
aww, I'm excited about college too! New school and new experiences :) Well, I'm sure you'll be able to use your acting abilities quite a bit in your life. Have you thought about being involved with the theatre stuff at MTSU? I dunno if that's something you'd want to do, but it was a suggestion. Amy, you're an awesome person, and I hope you have a great rest of the summer and first year in college :)


July 20 2005
ROFL! The guy closest to the camera looks funny. =P That's great. ^^;

the brian king kenobi

July 20 2005
i am well pleased, amy powers. and the previous comment is funny, lol.