I'm Not on Speaking Terms With an Inanimate Object...

September 30 2007
This may sound shallow, but for those of you who have paid over two thousand dollars for something that is supposed to last a while you may understand... Feel free to pray that my iMac doesn't die. It's been acting funny today and it's only a year old. I'm glad I have the extended warranty in case something does happen, but I most certainly prefer there not be. I've restarted it twice and it's still a little off. Thankfully it's letting me back up some files to my external hard drive, something I should have done long ago... Who knows, maybe it will be all better tomorrow...


September 30 2007
i learned over the summer that it always pays to back everything up. but unfortunately i learned a little late as well. lol. i hope everything works out for ya. i think i remember nathan saying his messed up on him as well a little while back. maybe he knows. hope everything else is going well for ya.