I Never Would Have Believed...

July 18 2005
If you had told me at the beginning of my freshman year... I wouldn't have believed you...

I never would have believed that I would have the opprotunity to go to England for a mission trip.

I never would have believed that I would have the chance to go to Orlando for a leadership conference and bond with some pretty amazing people.

I never would have believed I would have moved from Texas to Tennessee between my sophomore and junior year.

I never would have believed that I would finish my high school years at a public school that was not Clearbrook (the school I desperately wanted to go to my 9th grade year).

I never would have believed how not too bad such a huge transition would be for me.

I never would have believed that I would meet such a great guy and started dating him in high school, and not college.

I never would have believed I would find friends as crazy as me.

I never would have believed that I would travel to New York City three times before attending college.

I never would have believed all of those things, but they happened. And they are such blessings from God. When we follow God, he blesses us... not always with money and things... but sometimes with opprotunities, relationships, daily experiences. When I think about all that God has done in my life the past four years... wow... and just to think... that He wants to be actively involved in the next four years... who knows what could be in store for me!

I leave for NY (for the 3rd time) this Sunday. I'm not as excited as I should be, but I should be as I reflect on all these things God has done for me. Please pray for me, that God will prepare me for this trip, and that He would blow me away. I know He wants me to go, and the group of people I'm going to be with is awesome... just little fears and worries from Satan... but God has bigger and better things in mind... Jeremiah 29:11-13...


July 18 2005
Awwww. I will keep you in my prayers.


July 18 2005
Awwww. I will keep you in my prayers.


July 18 2005
Arg, sorry. My compey's being a silly goose.


July 18 2005
I'm praying for you Amy! I hope you have a great time and that God will bless you through this trip. By the way, I'm glad you came to Riverdale and TN too. :)

Jennifer Hood

July 18 2005
I will be praying for you all while you are in New York. God has assembled a team of awesome people, and I know that He has amazing things planned.


July 18 2005
NY is gonna be awesome! i can't wait! I'll be praying that God excites you with what He has planned for next week! and i can't believe everything i've been through in the past 4 yrs too...i can't imagine moving 2 states away and life completely turning around tha way urs did tho!


July 18 2005
:) for you. =P

kyle cantrell

July 19 2005
That's everyone who went to Cason Lane at Blackman's prom, heh.