I Wonder...

May 14 2007
So, I've noticed that I'm not shy at all about showing off my videos (speaking of which, check out And The Rocks Cried Out, now viewing on MySpace and Facebook), but I don't like to talk to people about my stories that I write. When I wrote the script for The Case of the African Tsetse Fly, I had no problems with writing the script and then throwing it out there for my talent to see. But then today at work, when my co-workers asked me what I was writing on my computer, I suddenly didn't want them to see or know about them. Why is that? I wonder if the novels and other stories I work on just seem more personal than a script or a video...?


May 14 2007
for me, stuff like that is kinda more personal. and when i say more personal. i mean i dont want people to see what i'm working on cause i dont want them to tell me taht it's not good enough or that they dont like it. and it's even harder the hear coming from friends. but you shouldnt hesitate to get advice about your writing. it'll give you more ideas about what you should do. also, just cause a couple of people do not like it, does not mean it's not good. thats what i've found. a couple of people are not the "be all end all". is that how that saying goes? haha

Rachael Moore

May 14 2007
for me, writing is way more personal. it is coming from your heart most the time. and not to say making a video doesn't, but that usually comes more from creative thought. i don't know if i would ever let anyone read the stuff that i write... it is the thoughts that come from my heart... that stuff that really matters to me. it is easier to share your creative abilities, like videos, photographs, paintings, etc.... but just from reading your blogs and such, you are an excellent writer. you could start by showing some of your close friends your stuff... and then by building confidence in your abilities you can show others. God has given you a gift. Don't be afraid to let that shine!