Jenna's Party and Hilary Clinton

July 07 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

So tonight was Jenna's party and that was fun. We were going to eat outside but then we had to run inside because impending doom came upon us. It was quite fun. And I dropped my hamburger. :-( I also almost killed myself twice on Jenna's stairs. And Aimee, Anna, and Jenna and I almost broke Mr. Brewer's hammock. But it was still a fun night. :-)

Quote of the night: "Lay on top of me!" -Anna to Brian

I don't like Hilary Clinton. She was griping about how Bush didn't give enough money to fight terrorism... and that would have prevented London being bombed... how??? Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, so someone can explain it to me if I'm wrong, but a guy on MSNBC said that more money would not solve London's security problem. And I'm not sure how the American budget affects London's security.

Other quote of the night: "I don't like her and I can't stand the sight of her." -guy on MSNBC about Hilary

Hope y'all enjoy my new pictures...

This is Garrett's new GQ look...

photo from SingAHappySong


July 07 2005
haha! i totally agree about the money/London security thing! i don't see how it would've helped prevent it either!


July 07 2005
Woah, time out...I don't like Hillary, either. I've gone on record as saying she's the one candidate that could make me vote Republican.


July 07 2005
like the quote about hillary, her political stances are absolutely pathetic. . .

Anna Miller

July 07 2005
lol, yeah, i like that picture of him. and us!

Becky A.

July 07 2005
Impending doom meaning high winds and rain...scary! I missed the hammock picture being taken. It's cute! I also totally agree about the whole terrorism/money thing. Some people worry me and it's sad that they're the ones who run things.

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 08 2005
mmmm...Impending dooooooom. YAY!