Advice for the Graduating High School Seniors...

May 21 2006
This is the first time I get to feel old as I pass down wisdom and advice to graduating high school seniors. My first bit is just advice to all in general, and then I want to specifically address those going to MTSU.

And so to all seniors...
1.) Learn about your professors before you take them. This may very well save you.
2.) Don't stress out too much, but do work hard. Study the material in-depth, but don't do it all in one late-night cramming session. You may not do well on your first tests, but be assured that you will eventually do better and your semester grade will probably end up being better than you imagined it would.
3.) Do not go to either of these common-among-freshman extremes: either going wild and crazy, get drunk all the time, and skipping classes; nor fall prey to over-achivement, afraid-you-won't-make-it, gotta study your brains out extreme.
4.) Just because you can skip class, it doesn't mean you should. There are actually some teachers that do require attendance and not attending will greatly affect your grade, and not just because of the information you missed. It is also to your benefit to be in the class and hearing the lecture and taking your own notes instead of copying someone else's later. Many teachers also give students extra credit if they have perfect attendance or if they attend on certain days of the semester. Attendance can make a big difference in what your final letter grade is - trust me.
5.) College tests are different than high school tests. I can't explain it, but you'll experience it and learn to cope with it.
6.) You can change your major - so don't freak out if you change your mind. I have a friend who's the same year as me and she has changed her major four times this year - and that's ok.
7.) College is just different over all. I can't explain this one either. In college, no one is popular. There isn't a bunch of political garbage going on. It's just different. You'll see what I mean when you get there.
8.) Don't be discouraged by a first bad day, week, month, or semester. Give it time to adjust.
9.) Start attending AO on Wednesday nights this Wednesday at 6:00 at the church's pavillion (unless it rains, then in the AO space).
10.) Have fun! Get involved with something! Get plugged into a great college ministry (AO if you're staying here) and find a way to get involved on campus as well.
11.) Facebook is cool. Check it out at If you have a high school account, get a college account.
12.) You can change your schedule around before the semester starts (and for a couple of days after as well).
13.) Don't be afraid of your professors. Most of them are willing to help if you don't understand something, need some extra credit, etc. Just speak up and confide in them, because it works.
14.) People who didn't talk to you in high school may suddenly speak to you if they see you on campus. Count on it.

To those going to MTSU...
1.) is your new best friend. Cherish it. But also, evaluate the GPA and absenses missed by those who write the reviews, because some of them are just stupid. Also consult friends. I'll be glad to share about my professors and classes.
2.) Accept now that nothing at MTSU makes sense. Period.
3.) If you hate science, hold out for an astronomy class. Only take geology if you're miserable at science, and if you do, take it with a friend to help you stay awake. Also be sure you take Collins for lab. Don't take biology unless you're required to.
4.) If you can, take honors classes. They're not harder in the least bit. They're smaller and more interesting as a general rule, but it can depend on the professor. A couple of them do take it too seriously or not seriously enough, so be sure to check out your professor before signing up for one.
5.) Make a friend at Customs, otherwise you'll be bored. Just strike up a converstaion with someone and hang out with them. I made a friend at Customs and we still talk to each other.
6.) If you want to challenge yourself in an English class, take Therrien. She's tough but she's amazing. I would take her again in a heartbeat and I hope to one day.
7.) Go to AO. I can't stress it enough.

And for the rising seniors...
1.) High school is overrated but senior year really is great. Make the most of it. Take a zillion pictures to capture it all.
2.) Take a healthy balance of easy classes and harder classes. Don't stress out or freak out too much, especially your second semester. If you can aide, even for just one semester, do it, because it's awesome.

That's what I leave you... take it to heart!


May 21 2006
Hey girl thanks for the advice i'm sure it will help. Have a great day.


May 21 2006
You forgot the most important part about AO meeting this wednesday! MARBLE SLAB AFTER WARDS!!!!!!!

Jessica Goss

May 21 2006
You're such a good advice-giver.


May 21 2006
ok so i missed something and i have no clue how...maybe it's bc i haven't been in sunday school i'm not sure...but i missed the memo on AO on wed night in the pavillion...i've been wondering why AO seems to be at a complete stop...maybe i've just missed the memos lol


May 21 2006
oh so bash geology too hard...i'm probably gonna end up majoring in geosciences (geology or geography i havent decided lol)


May 21 2006
whoops...that'd be "so don't bash geology too hard" lol

eddie sally

May 21 2006
great advice. not that i need it you know. you are right about where nothing at mt makes sense.

Izzy Isaac

May 21 2006
no. .not really .go to and listen to 'Hide and Seek'


May 21 2006
I definately agree w/ the senior part. Your life starts to depend on those easy classes after a while...


May 22 2006
yay! thanks for keeping me posted!


May 22 2006
def. right on collins...greatest lab ever..esp. as a nite class...and abolins for lecture is supposed to be really easy but someone *ahem* kinda slacked off that kinda threw my grade a little..but still... hope you have a great day!