A Story

February 14 2006
Well happy Valentine's Day/ Single Awareness Day, depending on your relationship status.

I wanted to share with each of you a Valentine story you can appreciate regardless of whether or not you're in a relationship. It's about the best Valentine's Day I had before I moved to TN.

A tradition some of my friends and I formed back in TX was to announce ourselves as Valentine Rejects when Valentine's Day rolled around. You see, most all of my friends were single most all the time (we didn't have many guys to choose from at our small private school, and what guys we did have weren't all that special). Yet still there would be some older couples or someone who received a singing telegram from a secret admirer, just so that the whole thing would get rubbed into our face that we were in fact, single. Even if we were ok with it the other 364 days of the year, none of us liked to be a Valentine Reject.

So February 14, 2001, rolled around. And once again, I was a Valentine Reject. Granted, I had chosen at that point in my life to not date and wasn't interested in anyone anways but still... a girl loves love.

So after calling myself a reject all day long, I went to church that night. Yes, Valentine's Day fell on a Wednesday. Now I had all the couples in the youth group to remind me what a reject I was. And what the whole situation worse was that they were selling carnations to raise money for a mission trip! How horrible! Sell flowers to encourage couples that probably shouldn't be dating anyways so that we can go spread the love of God... or at least that was my thought.

Well what a bummer. And then I was surprised. A friend of mine walked up to me that night with a carnation and said, "Here Amy, I bought this for you. Happy Valentine's Day!"

My heart lept with joy! Granted, this was just one of my gal friends, and not some cute, godly man with a glowing auroa that made the angels sing and say, "This is the one!" but someone took the time to think about me!

Wow. And then I realized that night that God always thought about me, loved me, cared about me. He wants to be my Valentine each and every day. He loves me and pursues me and is the only One who can complete me.

Both this year and last year I had a special valentine to share this day with, and I thank God so much for Him. Yet this one thing I still cling to: God is my first love. If no one else loved me He would. And He has blessed me with Garrett and with all my other friends (you guys!) and y'all show me love in another way. Love is an awesome thing, especially when it comes from God and is centered on God. So my friends, whether you're sad about S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day) and so excited about celebrating with your Valentine, know that you are loved by God.

the brian king kenobi

February 15 2006
*tear* i feel warm and fuzzy.


February 15 2006

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

February 16 2006
Yeah, our Papa is cool like that. :)