Out of Place...

February 02 2006
So MTSU does not offer any musical theatre classes, but they do, in fact, offer Japanese Landscaping.


Oh the joy of knowing that I do not have to be good enough, because Christ covers all my imperfections, and works through me in spite of me. As long as I remain in His Will, I can never be a failure.

Carla Simpson

February 03 2006
haha yeah, MTSU's music/theater depts are stupid!

kyle cantrell

February 03 2006
Japaneese Landscaping? Hm...

the brian king kenobi

February 03 2006
everyone knows that japanese landscaping is far more popular and useful to everyday life and your future career than musical theatre classes could ever be . . . i would take the class.

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

February 04 2006


February 04 2006
japanese landscaping is probably very popular with the anime/japanese nerds -.0